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Saturday, May 16, 2009

I could go for some cold asian food about right now, like yummy time huh?

Oh holy shit my pants man this has been the week of just mental strength. Today I think that I could have used more mental strength and today I just wanted to cry because I had reached my limit. I clocked out with 44 hours at my store and 6 hours at the mall store for the week. Oh holy shit I have been making 24.00 for the last 10 hours I worked. I seriously hope that it doesn't kill my labor costs and our bottom line for the quarter.

I am starting to feel a little lost and all of these loose ends in my life does not help me feel secure with anything. It has been a long week- I should just let it all go and start fresh when I get up later today. My communication skills have seen better days this week and I am finding myself getting more and more frustrated with mainly myself.

I am happy because Sunday is my day off and I am happy because I don't have any plans.