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Saturday, April 11, 2009

I don't wax my ass hole at all.

i can't sleep, so here i am blogging my little heart away. we all have our baggage, we all have ways that we react to situations that arrise in our life. it's hard to look through anothers perspective if you have never experienced their situation. I found it funny to hear someone say "at some point you have to grow up!" which is the truth but, if you have not come from a broken home you have no idea what it is like. Just because one person can handle an experience better than another doesn't mean that it isn't any better. I have a lot of un-resolved issues with my mother and I don't know how to deal withthem. Everytime I feel as if I have made some progress, something happens in our relationship that throws me through a loop and I end up at the begining again. I have some big trust issues with myself and other people because of our relationship and it's really unfair to me and others. The only thing I can do is learn from this cluster fuck of a relationship. I am just left with this feeling of emptyness most of the time. I am tired of not having anyone to share my time with and it doesn't help my self esteme at all. The only people I have contact with are people at work. School is online and computer relationships are not even an option. The other night I went to bed with these self depricating thoughts "stupid stupid girl, when are you going to learn?" AHAHAHAHAHHHHHH!! I can't seem to get out of my head most of the time. I think I slept in so much today because I didn't want to deal with the way that I have been feeling. Right now I am having the greatest conversation with this kid, and it's weird to see how similar we truly are. I have to go to bed, I have to get up in the morning and look like I belong with the living.


J.M. said...

If I had just read the title of this blog, I would have been under the impression it was about something else all together.

You're pretty awesome and you'll find what you're looking for.