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Friday, March 27, 2009

How do you redirect your life in into a positive direction, or in any case a direction that you want it to go? You have to just roll up your sleeves and do the work. This past month I am pretty sure that I have felt like Stretch Armstrong in every part of my life. I love my job most of the time and it's not that I have hated it lately, but I have become very frustrated with the overturn and I am not the only one. I honestly can not stand people that want to have a job (easy job) but simply can not come to work on time or show up. Like everyone else I have a life with responsibilities, obligations, family, friends, and other things that I care deeply about. I guess I will start off by saying that I am not perfect and I understand life can plain suck sometimes. I have been having trouble with balancing my schedule and that is my problem that I have to deal with. I have to get caught up right now at work with my paperwork, because all I have been able to do is stay on the floor and tend to the customers and my employees. I am so behind with my reading for my classes and I am wondering if I should just go ahead and drop one of them. What really burns my bread is that when I want to concentrate on school and I get the shaft. Yesterday I had my fill and then talking to Brad didn't really seem to help, mainly because he doesn't care about school. Speaking of school I just got a wonderful phone call and a message about the activity on my account with school. I guess most of all I am very disappointed in myself because I allow myself to give into work a lot more than I should. I feel very responsible for that store and I should because it is my responsibility. The truth of the matter is that I have limits to what I can do and so does everyone else. I might as well be honest with myself and admit that I haven't been taking care of myself. When did I start loosing respect for myself and not caring what I do to my body and my well being? When did I start thinking it was okay to do for others and taking the shaft in my personal life.
Today I have actually been able to get things done. Now I just wish that everything was magically unpacked and organized!!! It's Carol's birthday today and I really thought that we were going to have dinner at my house so I would have Sunday to get homework done but the plans have changed. I took my Friday off for this, I could be working right now and not having to go in early tomorrow morning. It's annoying but it happens and as much as I love my family they always have to leave everything to the last minute and I just don't work that way. The battle of life is never ending and have plenty of work left to do- just like the rest of the world.