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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

turn the lights back on already

It's just one of those chill days where nothing is rushed and everything around me doesn't matter so much. Christmas is next week, can anyone believe it- next week. I have given a lot of thought lately to what Christmas truly means to me. My views on Christmas have changed yearly and this year I know it is harder for a lot of people because money has been so tight. Christmas hasn't felt the same to me this year because I honestly didn't want to embrace it. Sometimes it feels so much easier to push things away then to be happy and embrace the joy of it all. Christmas has become very commercial but I try not to get caught up in all the hype. I don't ever remember screaming and crying because I did not get what I wanted or making some big deal about a new toy. The things I love about Christmas are pretty simple and this past weekend I was able to get in the spirit by doing a couple of them. When I think of Christmas I think of driving around and looking at the lights on houses around town, baking cookies with my mom, traveling to Tampa to see my family play games, singing Carols at church, decorating the house and a beautiful Christmas Tree. It's so different being older and celebrating Christmas, because rather or not you choose to believe it comes down to money. So homemade gifts were very "IN" this year for me. I would rather receive something made with love anyways. Christmas isn't about Santa or any of that crap anyways. Christmas is about Christ. I remember being little and putting on a play at church. Christmas has always been a great time of year for me, no matter what has been going on. I love it all- especially spending time with my friends and family. I am truly blessed, we all are- rather we have any money this year, it doesn't matter because things could be much worse that they truly are.