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Thursday, March 12, 2009

One foot in the door no longer

What my realizations in life have come to is that nothing is normal, normal is like being perfect. So why are we always searching for the normal? I am just looking for some stable ground most of the time. February and March have felt like controlled chaos. I honestly have been working too much and that is going to have to stop after next week, I feel like I am being suffocated with all of the work that I constantly do. I feel disappointed in myself because I have not been able to do things at this wicked awesome new pad I am staying at but, work and school come first...not above family of course! I love my job, I am going to school, and I am trying to live like everyone else here! We all have busy lives, lets not forget that. Just because someone else is not in school or you can not see the tasks that they have- does not make them a couch potato. This is not just coming from a conversation I had yesterday but from the reality of it all, and past judgements that I have had. It is so easy to judge someone else or there situation when you are not in there shoes or you have to face the obstacles that they are facing.

Have you ever noticed that so many views that we have are hypocritical? I mean have you ever seen or heard something and thought I would never do that or that is wrong? We all have right? Now did you ever take this second step and thought or asked yourself...Would I do that? I have been there before. Do I do the same thing? I do not know how I would react in that situation.

I don't know if there is any truth to this but do most people just walk around and not examine there life decisions or the way they think? Do other people think this way? I know my mother can't or doesn't...look at her actions and the way she thinks. It's like she walks around thinking that she is always right. I have come in contact with a lot of people like this in my life. Of course we are all guilty of these forms of judgement, I am at times. The difference is that we have to always learn from our mistakes. I honestly do not know what I am trying to get at here, these are just thoughts that have been rolling around in my head for a couple of days and I had to get them out. I have been having Internet withdraws and today I am getting higher than a kite! I know Alison can't wait until she can blog from the shitter!

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Dreaming of what could be. Dreaming of a you and me. I find myself in love with the thought of you and me. I have fallen in love with the comfortable thought of you and me. I wish you were here sitting beside me and holding my hand. I would even be satisfied if you were on the other end of the phone, and making your way towards me. In my mind, at this place I am eagerly waiting for you. I am holding onto memories that do not exist, ones we have yet to create. I can see a future so clearly that I can almost touch it. Where are you, and how soon are we to become an us? Most importantly who are you and what is taking you so long? I wonder sometimes if we have already met or if you are a complete stranger. I know that I will find you in due time. I am just rushing forward at the speed of light like I usually do. I am putting the cart before the horse.
