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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Live to tell the story

I think that we all get to points where we think we have nothing left to give. In the past few months I have felt like this almost every day. I have felt like crying everydayor so stressed out that I could hardly breath. I am moving past most of it and waking myself up to the fact that I can only make myself happy. No matter how hard I try no one will ever be satisfied all the time. I can't contol what others do and just because they say things doesn't make them true. I don't want to fake it, I don't want to put on this show that my world is okay when it isn't. So I am not going to fake it anymore, I am going to be happy with me and my life. Yes, horrible things are going on in my world, your world, everywhere. The truth is life is too short to be angry and sad all of the time, and being happy doesn't mean that you don't care or you are not making the right decisions in your life. Keeping my feelings inside gets me back to feeling even more empty and frustrated. In my mind this is all making sense but if it doesn't at least I will know what I am talking about. I told someone tonight that I didn't want to get married but that wasn't me talking that was my fear. I have let fear talk for me for too long and I need to get past it.