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Sunday, July 19, 2009

"What matters is what you think about yourself, not what others think of you."

I am hard core having the worst time sleeping and it has been going on for about a week or two now. It's great feeling like shit most of the time because my brain will not let my body rest- this does wonders for my blood sugar too. I have a lot of crap on my mind right now and it's not even work related for once- isn't that just a relief!!!
I don't really feel right about talking about most of it and today was the first day that I feel like I am having some clarity on it all. I started thinking and writing down my thoughts and I figured out a lot of what my problems have been. They are mainly personal and family related. When I feel like I don't have the security of my family I tend to mentally get aggravated and focus on problems that I really cannot control. I hate problems that I do not have a solution for or that are out of my control.