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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Alright Princess Calm Down Now.

After days like today I just want to fucking scream at the top of my lungs!!! I start to think about events of the day and things that were said that just should be left alone. Why would you bring up my father around the family when obviously you do not care for him? I guess what it comes down to is that he is MY FATHER and you have NO RIGHT to talk anything about him. I really can't stand how hurful my grandmother and mother can be at times. I feel like I am so ready to get rid of their negativity in my life. The part that really is hard is being able to get rid of that part of my life. The truth of the matter is that I just can't write them off, they are my family I just need to learn how to deal with them better. I have to learn to not let them get under my skin as much as I can let them at times. I have gotten better in the past couple of years, but everything is a work in progress. Ignorance really just angers me and they are both a big part of it.

This is a backtrack to what has been going on in my life but I found it tonight so I am posting it!