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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Karen doesn't look up to me anymore, I just felt my heart break a little

So I love my professor for my student services class. He is always emailing us these great little phrases, so I thought I would share one or two.

"Great acting is being able to create a character. Great character is being able to be yourself", by John Leguizamo.

"It's tempting to sit and wait for life to come to you. But it can't, it's too busy. Life is out there. You have to go for it [and earn it]", by Harry Beckwith.

I have always had to deal with people who judged me either by the way that I look or anything that they were jealous of. Even when I would go home my mother, Lorena was so critical and judgemental of me because of the way I looked or what I was doing with my life. It is a horrible feeling to feel this way and I hate that right now at the wonderful age of 23 I am being put in this position at my dads house. I have never felt this way here and yet today I have let my little sister do this to me and pass judgement on my life. I am furious with her and with myself. Since moving out of my mother's house I have learned to be myself more and not concentrate on what other people think as much. We all have our insecurities and we all have to deal and live with them. I just can't stand this feeling.